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We have the best family association

Life at Mercy GlenMercy Glen 4

MFA Feature Articles6

by Linda Buchalo

Our next stop on the tour of Misericordia residences takes us to Mercy Glen, the home of 47 very fun-loving and outgoing individuals. This group definitely enjoys life to the fullest. 

Mercy Glen comprises four ranch-style homes that were constructed in 2010. Three of the homes  are all-male and the fourth serves female residents. Each home has a main living area and kitchens as  well as a large lower-level social area. The bedrooms are divided into single and double rooms, for a  total of twelve beds per house. Patios and gardens provide a place for gathering outdoors. 

Each home is staffed by three people per shift. The residents at Mercy Glen benefit by additional  support from staff for activities of daily living and navigation within the campus. All the homes are a  short walk to support services and the campus amenities, maximizing the quality of life for Mercy Glen residents. 

Staff oversee a daily schedule that provides an organized routine. The day begins at 7 AM with daily  hygiene, medications, and breakfast. Residents then go to the Conway building to attend the morning session of developmental training. Lunchtime brings everyone back together at Mercy Glen, and following lunch, everyone returns to Conway for the afternoon session. Following their workday, residents participate in recreational activities, have dinner, and then participate in other planned activities before retiring for the night. 

Leisure activities include board games, karaoke, sing-along with Bob and Madge, ministry with Andrew,  virtual social groups, music therapy, book club, and open gym. Off-campus trips include going to the zoo, movies, botanical gardens, parks, sporting events, and eating out in area restaurants. Special outings have included the Fat Tuesday area parade, a Sox game, the South Side Irish parade, and Christmas Zoo Lights. Interaction with other residents on campus has included participating in campus-wide parades, complete with a hand-created float. 

Weekends allow more time for fun activities, including swimming, fitness, and attending Mass. Many of the residents enjoy spending time outdoors, sitting on the patio, using the swings, birdwatching, and enjoying the fresh air. Weekends bring fun and a time to relax. 

Like other areas on campus, the residents at Mercy Glen exude happiness. Michael is an extremely  gifted drummer and loves to sing along to any song. He is always happy and upbeat. Brian has a  wonderfully funny personality - he doesn’t say much, but his mischievous smile, engaging glances, and curious stance say much more than words ever could. 

Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall to experience first-hand all the fun that Mercy Glen residents have?
