We are always looking for interesting articles for the MFA-Sibs website. Join us in telling the Mis story! There are two kinds of writing opportunities:
Please note: We are looking for articles that are upbeat and reflect the wonderful place that we know Misericordia to be.
If you would like more information about writing for the website--or would like to submit an article--please contact Barb Quaintance,
July 2022
Dear Friends,
After a two-year pause, we are pleased to announce that Misericordia will hold its 40th Family Fest on September 11, 2022. As in the past, we honor the memory of our dear friend Pauline Greco, who was called home to God on December 3, 2016. Pauline was the driving force for the success of our annual Car and Cash Raffles. We remember her with fond memories and grateful hearts. The Greco Family and Friends Committee will continue this tradition in raising the private dollar that is desperately needed to provide quality care for more than 600 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Greetings Misericordia SIBs,
I am writing to let you know that we are currently in need of volunteer assistance with our Sunday brunches in the on-campus restaurant, the Greenhouse Inn. Volunteers work with our staff members and residents, and help us in a variety of roles including seating guests, waiting on tables, assisting at the carving station, and washing dishes. The Sunday brunches have historically been staffed primarily by the SIBs, so we are really hoping that you, your friends and family will be able to step up and help us by signing up for at least one Sunday. This is a great opportunity for high school students 16 and older to complete service hours too!
At this time all volunteers are required to be up-to-date with vaccinations against COVID, and a digital copy of your vaccination card must be sent to our volunteer office before your shift. You can read more information about volunteering at the brunches as well as sign up for shifts at this link -
Thank you
Paul Schwartz
Misericordia Home Volunteer Coordinator
Click play and enjoy! ->
You can still donate to the Giving Tree and the Misericordia Ministry at www.mfabenefit.org until July 7th. The Ad Book is available to view on the website also.
Here are the results of the Misericordia Family Association Benefit Raffles. Congratulations to the winners! You will be contacted soon.
You can still donate to the Giving Tree and the Misericordia Ministry until July 7th at www.mfabenefit.org. The Ad Book is available to view on the website also.
During June, Misericordia is recognizing the following departments with Appreciation Events, including a catered luncheon, staff gifts and raffles.
June 9, 2022
Dear Families and Staff,
As promised, we want to keep you informed about changes that are occurring here at Misericordia. As we indicated previously, our organization changes are stemming from the need to continuously work on recruiting, retaining and offering development and growth opportunities for our staff. The staffing shortages continue to be our number one focus. In looking at the current leadership capacity, it is clearly evident that we need to reduce the scope of responsibility for several key positions. It will allow us to keep the residents at the forefront of what we do while we are taking care of the staff that take care of our residents. It will also allow opportunities for implementation of growth and development plans to ensure we continue to have a pipeline of leadership for now and the future.
by Ann Wilson
Every organization faces technology challenges, whether it’s upgrading their network system, increasing security protocols or implementing programs that collect and organize data for various purposes. Several years ago, the administration team conducted an in-depth technology assessment that highlighted some technology challenges, leading the team to create an IT leadership role. Several months and many interviews later, Scott Thompson was hired as the CIO of Misericordia.
Thompson originally heard of a position from his Edgewater neighbor whose daughter is a resident at Misericordia. A graduate of Purdue with a degree in Electrical Engineering, followed by a Masters of Information Technology from Northwestern University, he has worked in several industries including satellites for Hughes Aircraft, web applications for Cision and industrial machines for Continental.
by Thomas Blake
For families whose residents live on the Misericordia campus, CILAs—Community Integrated Living Arrangements—may be a bit of a mystery. What is a CILA? How are they different from campus homes? Who are the residents of CILAs? Let’s explore these questions.
CILAs are licensed by the Department of Human Services, unlike most campus homes that are Department of Public Health-licensed. A CILA is, basically, a group home in a neighborhood that are occupied by individuals with various special needs
May 11, 2022
Dear Misericordia Families,
This seems to be a year of changes. Early in December was the inception of the Misericordia Foundation. This was an exceptional move in that it ensures the Misericordia Foundation will focus on fundraising for the future in order that we continue to provide quality care to those we serve. This also has driven changes in our leadership given Misericordia Home is a separate entity from the Misericordia Foundation. With Denise Tigges recent announcement regarding her retirement and given her longevity, it seems to be a catalyst for some changes to keep Misericordia Home moving forward. As I noted at the MFA meeting, our overall strategic plan includes development of new leaders to ensure continuity in the services we provide. As with any organization we have done our due diligence in succession planning. We have also sought counsel from a professional consulting firm regarding succession planning and change management. They have guided us through the process and continue to do so. The addition of Misericordia Foundation and Denise’s recent news has prompted us to look at the structure of our current leadership to ensure we are effective in the critical areas of Residential Services, Clinical Services and Program Services as well as HR and Staff Development.
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