Dear Families,
I realize it has been quite some time since we shared any updates on the Dental Clinic. We opened again for appointments in September 2020, post the Covid closure. We have been and we continue to follow Covid procedures and seeing residents in cohorts. We are generally doing one area at a time and working our way across campus. We realize this will take some time. We started with Shannon and we then moved to Marian Center. We have seen some Village residents. They will then see CILA, McAuley, Mercy Glen, and Quinlan before we start the next round.
We currently have a dentist two days a week and currently Dr. Ashley is on maternity leave (congrats, it's a boy, Joey!). Dr. Jennifer is picking up her day for now. We do hope we can get back to a dentist three days a week. They are still taking emergency dental issues if it can wait until the dentists are here. They are working hard to get all residents at least one cleaning this year. We would love to do two cleanings a year but we are not there at this point. Several families are using outside dentists at this point.
We will continue to provide updates, especially if we are able to expand services. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Mary Pat O'Brien
Assistant Executive Director
October 29, 2021
Dear Misericordia Volunteer:
Over 18 months ago, Misericordia’s Volunteer Office suspended its programs to fully turn our attention to keeping our residents and staff safe against the COVID-19 virus. Our Administration, Directors and staff quickly adapted and changed with the residents as a constant flow of new information shaped the world we are living in today. While we are not back to pre-COVID “normal,” we are beginning to see a glimpse of that life here at Misericordia.
Dear Families,
First, I would like to thank you for really stepping up to show your appreciation for our staff. They are enjoying the notes, gift cards and other items that you have sent. They are working tirelessly with our residents so every boost of appreciation goes a long way. In this month of Thanksgiving, we will be dedicating November to show our staff how grateful we all are for their on-going commitment to our residents. We are working on ways that we can show are staff how grateful we are for all of their hard work. We have a lot of ideas and we are starting to put some plans in place. One of our plans involve you, our families! At the beginning of the pandemic, we had "Gratitude Thursdays" and one family would write a note of gratitude each month for all our staff which was then emailed to them. The staff loved it especially if it was one of "their" resident's family members.
by Martha Floberg
Year after year, a dedicated team of charity runners supports Misericordia in ways that few others could imagine doing – running 26.2 miles through the streets and neighborhoods of Chicago to raise much-needed funds that benefit our children and adult residents.
From first-time marathoners to seasoned runners, each Misericordia Heartracer team member commits to raising between $1,250 and $1,750, depending on the date they register for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. The Chicago Marathon is a proud city tradition and international running event. Each year 10,000 charity runners representing more than 150 local, national and global charities raise millions of dollars. There was no marathon last year, due to the pandemic, but runners converged on the streets of Chicago for this year’s race.
As Scott Thompson mentioned during the MFA meeting, the campus is currently facing challenges with our phone system. Some areas are more affected than others. We currently have the new phones in our possession and the next step is to install them in the areas that are most affected.
This is a large project with many buildings and phones to upgrade so we will be implementing this new system in phases.
Phase 1 has started now and will be rolling out new desk phones in the next few weeks. They are starting with McAuley and the business office and then on to Quinlan and Mercy Glen. As we work through phase 1, we are gathering the information for other buildings on campus that will be part of the next phases.
Another part of Phase 1 is to repair McAuley's overhead paging system which is currently not working. Equipment has been ordered to restore this service.
Thank you for your patience with this process. We will inform you of any updates as they occur. Please continue to call 773-973-6300 to reach the person you would need to talk to.
Mary Pat O'Brien
Assistant Executive Director
At the October MFA General Meeting, Scott Thompson presented on technology updates at Misericordia and AWARDS, a new system to track and manage resident care at Misericordia.
Click here to view the Misericordia Technology Update Presentation
October 22, 2021
To the MFA,
What follows are the responses provided by Misericordia's Administration to the questions that were posed during last Sunday's MFA membership meeting.
If you wish to view last Sunday's meeting again, you can view the YouTube recording here: MFA October 17th Membership meeting.
Pam & Jim Capraro
MFA Chairs
Misericordia Administrator responses to MFA Member Questions:
Congratulations and a big thanks to Misericordia parent Bonnie Romniak for dontating her winnings on the Wheel of Fortune to Misericordia!
Click below to read the great article about Bonnie's adventure on the Wheel of Fortune and to view a portion of the show starring Bonnie's apperance.
Click here to read the article in the Daily Herald
Click here to view a portion of Bonnie on the Wheel of Fortune
Pam and Jim Capraro
Misericordia Family Association Members,
We hope this finds you and your families well. As we mentioned at our most recent board meeting, it is both an honor and a privilege to serve as your MFA chairs. We stand on the shoulders of the many capable leaders who have gone before us, most recently, Laurie and Bill McCarthy, who ushered us into the world of video communication as the pandemic upset our normal way of operating.
It is almost hard to believe we are beginning our third year of virtual meetings. Certainly, the pandemic has changed how we have done almost everything in our day to day lives. Fortunately, one thing that has not changed, is the excellent care provided to our family members by the staff at Misericordia. They are hardworking, unfailing and creative in their efforts to provide a safe and nurturing environment for those we hold so dear.
by Linda Buchalo
The newest wing to the main building at Misericordia started as an idea to build a large chapel that would accommodate more people for weekend Mass. After conversations with Cardinal George, it was decided that building a multi-purpose center was the most fiscally responsible and best solution. Thus, the Jean Marie Ryan Community Center was born. The construction of the JMR Center answered the need to have liturgical celebrations for large groups as well as hold all members of the Misericordia Family Association (MFA) for quarterly meetings.
Dedicated in 2008, the center was funded primarily by Bill and Mary Ryan, parents of Jean Marie Ryan, who lived a part of her short life at Misericordia’s south campus. The Ryan family remains active at Misericordia today. Jean Marie’s sisters are involved with both Women’s Golf and the Women’s League. Other family members remain faithful donors and friends.
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