Let’s show our appreciation for the more than 500 direct care staff. The DSPs/CNAs/Therapy Aides are the “backbone” of Misericordia. Their appreciation week will include a food truck and social times for staff to mingle with each other.
Volunteers are needed for the Cheesies food truck (gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches) on Wednesday, September 11th. Duties include greeting staff/thanking them for their service, collecting tickets, helping guide the food line, and keeping the area clean. The shifts are: 9:30 – 11:30 am, 11:30 am – 2 pm, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, and 10:45 – 11:30 pm. For more information and to sign up:
In addition, volunteers are needed to serve beverages and snacks at “Social Gatherings” on Thursday, September 12th. There will be trivia, games and music. These gatherings will give staff the chance to visit with each other and families. The shifts are: 5:30 am – 6:30 am, 10 – 11 am, and 6 – 7 pm. For more information and to sign up:
The Campus Connections Employee Newsletter is full of interesting information for families also. Click here to read the August 2024 issue. To catch up on past issues, click on Misericordia Info in the Menu bar and then Campus Connections in the drop-down menu.
by Barb Quaintance
If you’ve been in one of our art studios or classrooms, or if you’ve attended The Artist in All, you know that some of the greatest artists in Chicago are Misericordia residents. During August, the campus showcased twenty-six remarkable art installations, all created by residents and their staff partners.
The Art Walk was a campus-wide effort. Twenty-three different groups of residents created these outdoor masterpieces, which were placed throughout campus. The groups were led by DT instructors, CDS instructors, art therapists, recreation/fitness staff, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, McAuley staff and several DSPs. They included mosaics, windchimes, ceramics, sculptures, and other creative, beautiful pieces of art.
Congratulations to our very own Sister Rosemary for her upcoming honor by St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary, at the Rector's Classic on September 12 at Pine Meadow Golf Club.
Sister Rosemary will be honored with the 2024 Cardinal Joseph Bernardin In Service of One Another Catholic Humanitarian Award.
Congratulations, Sister Rosemary!
If you would like to hit the links that day and/or attend the dinner, click on: https://usml.edu/rectors-classic/ for more information. Proceeds benefit the University of St. Mary of the Lake – Mundelein Seminary.
During August, Misericordia is recognizing the hard work and dedication of the Supervisors. On August 29th, there will be catered meals, staff gifts, and raffles.
While the Supervisors’ roles vary depending on the residential area, the Supervisors manage the day-to-day routines of the residents, staff, and programming plus the communication with families. Some areas have a Supervisor on-site 24/7, while others have AM and PM Supervisors. Supervisors are an integral part of the care Misericordia provides to its residents.
We need volunteers to help set up, greet the staff, and clean up at the August 29th luncheon and dinner. For more details and to sign up, please go to this link:
In addition, we are asking that families write notes of thanks and appreciation to the Supervisors and email them to us at
Thank you,
Lisa Masucci & John Butler
MFA’s Staff Appreciation Coordinators
See this years' Benefit photos and blasts from the past!! Click on the year links below to view and download fabulous photos from the 2024 Benefit and past Benefits in 2018, 2019 and 2023.
Misericordia’s largest fundraising event of the year brings our families, friends, and neighbors together for a day of celebration that has something for everyone — you don’t want to miss it!
Fest tickets are currently discounted, so get them now and avoid full price at the Fest!
For more info and to purchase tickets, please click here -> https://www.misericordia.com/store/fest-tickets/
by Holly Jennings
If you see a resident all decked in shamrock clothing, you can be sure it is Ryan Jennings. Ryan loves his Irish heritage, and he specifically loves the bagpipes. When Ryan was a young boy before living at Misericordia, we would attend Family Fest every year. When the Shannon Rovers played, Ryan would dash away to find them to hear the beautiful music.
Years later, when he became a resident, I asked one of the Rovers if Ryan could carry the flag at Family Fest. I bought him a kilt online, and he carried the flag proudly. But after this experience, he wanted more! He told me he wanted to march with the Shannon Rovers at the Chicago Saint Patrick’s Day parade. I said, no, that’s probably not possible.
During July, Misericordia recognizes the hard work and dedication of the “QIDPs,” better known as the “Qs,” House Managers, and Environmental Coordinators & Managers. There will be an Appreciation Event on Thursday, July 18th, which will include a catered luncheon, staff gifts, and raffles.
Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals (QIDPs) oversee the needs of the residents, including their programs, goals, medical/dental needs, community outings, and nearly all facets of daily life. QIDPs work closely with Supervisors, DSPs (Direct Service Providers), and parents/guardians to ensure quality care and programming for all residents. The House Managers and Environmental Coordinators & Managers are also instrumental in providing for the needs of the residents.
We are asking that you send emails and/or written notes of thanks and appreciation directly to your residents’ Qs/House Managers/Environmental Coordinators & Managers during the month of July.
In addition, we need six volunteers to help set up, greet the staff, and clean up at the July 18th luncheon. For more details and to sign up, please go to this link:
by Barb Quaintance
A staple at every Family Fest is the wonderful “Creations from the Heart” booth. Led by Jim & Lenore Varey and Mary Jo Gallaher, the booth sells beautiful handmade and handcrafted items. It’s a popular stop at the Fest!
The items sold at the booth include handmade afghans, blankets and quilted hats. Handcrafted wooden items, such as bird houses, cutting boards and holiday decorations are very popular as well. All items in the booth are donated by Misericordia family and friends.
Some of the “Creations from the Heart” artists have ‘retired’ over the last few years, so the booth leads are looking for additional artisans to donate their crafts and bolster the profits for Misericordia. And…they are open to all ideas!
If you're interested in donating or know someone who might be, or just have some creative suggestions, please contact Jim Varey at
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