Click here to watch the first MFA Feature Newsreel highlighting the fabulous MFA volunteers at the CDS Staff Appreciation Lunch!
Learn more about Misericordia by reading Campus Connections, the newsletter for employees. Click here for the most recent issue, November 2023. Past issues can be found in Campus Connections under the Misericordia Info menu item on this website.
Misericordia's Christmas Cards are on sale now! Shop at our Heartstrings Giftshop on Campus, 6300 N Ridge (Tue-Fri 11-3pm, Sun 9:30-2:30pm), our Sweetheart Shoppe in Glenview, 989 Waukegan Rd (Tue-Sat 9-4pm) or order them online!
Click here to purchase ->
On Monday, November 20th, Misericordia is bringing The Fat Shallot food truck (made-to-order sandwiches) to campus for an appreciation event for Misericordia Staff. Volunteers are needed to greet staff, check them in and keep the area clean.
The Food Truck will be on campus at the Holbrook Lot (between Holbrook and Quinlan). Two volunteers are needed for each shift: 9:30 – 11:45 am; 11:45 am – 2:00 pm; and 6:00 – 8:45 pm.
Please sign-up at this link:
Thank you,
Lisa Masucci & John Butler
MFA’s Volunteer Coordinators
Click here to make your donation
Do you remember: the first Special Olympics medal your loved one proudly showed you? Your daughter’s walk down the Red Carpet for Artist in All? A lovingly-made Mother’s Day card from your son? The look of love between your child and a special staff member?
Think about all of these beautiful moments in your loved one’s life at Misericordia and reflect upon the fact that none of this would be possible without the devotion of our wonderful staff. We are now facing what Father Jack calls a second pandemic, that of a severe staffing shortage. While Misericordia is doing everything possible to hire and retain quality employees, the shortage requires our already hard-working staff to sign up for extra shifts, assume additional responsibilities, and work even harder to provide the uplifting environment where our loved ones can continue to thrive.
Dear Families and Staff,
When last I wrote to you I was on my way to Springfield. Thanks again to our volunteer lobbyists, John Nicolay and Margaret Houlihan. They are wonderful. They hosted a dinner with Senator Bill Cunningham, and Representatives Mary Gill and Mike Kelly. Many others came by the table to say hello. Misericordia has a wonderful reputation with our elected officials. They all comment how lovely our staff is. Keep inviting them out.
The following morning, I went to a breakfast hosted by IARF (Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities). Michael Diaz has been our representative on their Board. Geana Connelly has been nominated to the next Board. So many Executive Directors thank Legislators for their support. It was great to meet with so many peers and hear the same challenges that we are all facing in terms of employment.
by Jim Varey
My wife, Lenore, and I along with Mary Jo Gallaher and Bob & Bonnie Romniak are team leaders for the Creations from the Heart booth at Family Fest. In the past, you knew the booth as The Gentle Touch. Our booth sells beautiful handmade or handcrafted articles; it’s a very popular stop at Family Fest.
Traditionally, Creations from the Heart booth sold items such as afghans, blankets, quilted hats and more. For the past two years, we’ve added items such as bird houses, hot plates/cutting boards, ornaments, and other wooden holiday decorations. It’s a wonderful potpourri of creativity.
The cold weather is upon us and let us give thanks to God for having warm shelter to shield us! How blessed we are. For those not as fortunate as we are, Misericordia is organizing a Coat Drive to meet the desperate need for warm winter coats, sweaters and sweatshirts, gloves, hats and scarves for newly arrived immigrants to the City of Chicago. So many have never lived through winter, much less a Chicago winter. If you have any items you could donate, please know we would appreciate receiving them. There are people in desperate need whom we would like to help. This Coat Drive is also a project that Misericordia’s residents can help us with to sort, box and distribute the warm clothing to Chicago-area organizations assisting our newly arrived families. At the end of my letter are details about this important endeavor.
by Linda Buchalo
If you have a family member at Misericordia, or if you’ve spent some time on campus, you most likely have heard of Bob and Madge. Maybe you don’t know their last name or exactly what they do, but you probably know them by sight, and you know they have something to do with music.
Bob and Madge Erlenbaugh are long-time volunteers at Misericordia, and wherever you see them, voices will be raised in song. This amazing duo started volunteering for Misericordia in 1983, collecting donations for Candy Days. They continued to help at Candy Days, but a few years later increased their volunteer efforts when one of their daughters worked at a special recreation summer camp that served 20 Misericordia residents. During that time, Bob was teaching guitar and leading a choir group. He brought his group to perform at Misericordia, eventually singing on the Children’s Stage at Family Fest. It was this activity that first brought Lou Manfredini to Misericordia; Lou’s children and Bob and Madge’s grandchildren were friends. Thank you, Bob and Madge, and thank you, Lou! Bob and Madge continued to help at the Fest in other ways, and Bob brought members of the volleyball team that he coached to help as well.
Dear Families and Staff,
People have been so responsive to the information I sent following our MFA meeting, that I thought I would continue the practice of regularly sharing information with you. This will help you all to know what I know from the past couple of weeks. I hope you find this helpful and enjoyable.
The MFA meeting and Program Tour was a great success. Again, thanks to all who participated. There is so much going on here for the residents, it’s wonderful.
As I mentioned at the meeting, we were able to purchase St, Henry Parish property after its closing. We continue to study uses, but did not want an adjoining property to go just anywhere. The Board of Directors were very supportive of us purchasing this property. The Rectory has several private suites with Bathrooms. These are not appropriate for resident use. We have reached out to the City and Catholic Charities to see if we could do a small amount of housing for immigrants currently living in very difficult situations. We are pursuing this as it is safely separate from our operation and the need is so great. We will be looking for clothing and food donations as time goes on. Residents will be assisting with this program.
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