MFA Bylaws
After reviewing the current MFA Bylaws, the Bylaws committee has made a few recommended changes. In addition to stylistically reformatting the document, the two most significant changes are:
1. Expanded financial controls designed to ensure that the MFA financial processing and record keeping are fully transparent and at the highest standards of not-for-profit organizations.
2. Specific approval of online meetings and elections.
The revised draft Bylaws document is located on the website for your review. Two other documents are there as well. One is the original Bylaws document that shows all of the revisions that were made, and the second is a document summarizing the changes.
You can access all three documents by clicking on the following direct URL's:
MFA Bylaws 2021 draft w rev marks
The MFA Board has approved these changes and is hereby submitting them to the membership for approval. You must be a parent or guardian of a resident or former resident of Misericordia to vote. We ask that MFA members review and vote to approve or disapprove the revised Bylaws. Please go to: and enter your name, MFA number, and submit your vote. Voting will close March 14, 2021 at 5:00pm.
Thank you very much for your participation.
Bill & Laurie McCarthy
MFA Chairs