A Letter from Sister Rosemary
January 20, 2022
Dear Families,
As always, I continue to be overwhelmed by our families’ unbelievably generous achievement in your fundraising efforts. Even though the MFA Benefit was a virtual event, the results were remarkable! You, united as one, raised $1,673,000!!! How blessed we are to be able to claim you all as our own.
I continue to believe we have the very best Family Organization for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the country. (If anyone can challenge this, please let me know!) I’m so proud of every member who always goes the extra mile. Your loving gratitude to Misericordia is so obvious! To call each of you generous members of our Misericordia is such a joy.
As most of you are aware, I’m convinced we are doing God’s work, and because of this we have been blessed in so many great ways. At the top of the list is the belief that the right people are always in the right place at the right time. We see this especially in the many great administrators, directors, and staff who have been with us for so many years – but also in many of our fundraising groups, including our Family Organization.
Here, I would like to recognize the gift of Fr. Jack Clair being appointed by the Cardinal as Executive Director of Misericordia! He knows he is surrounded by the “best” not only in leadership roles but also in our most generous and talented staff. I know you are all aware how blessed our residents are being surrounded by administrators and staff who want to share life with them and bring such great gifts to them. Fr. Jack is such a wonderful gift to each one of us. Since 2000, he has shared his love of our residents and staff. He is truly a person who loves Misericordia and feels blessed to share his ministry with all. How blessed we are to claim him as our own! We all owe a thank you to Cardinal Cupich for Fr. Jack’s appointment to Misericordia.
After being at Misericordia for 52 years, I do believe this period in our history is probably one of the most difficult. I am in awe of the way our Executive Team (Fr. Jack, Mary Pat O’Brien, Lois Gates and Kevin Connelly) is facing the many challenges. They are supported by our great Administrators, Chris Krackenberger, Denise Tigges, Joe Ferrara, Michael Diaz, Geana Connelly, Tina Stendardo, Sharon Keane and Scott Thompson, and so many generous staff. This is such a gift. The only credit which is mine is having the good sense of recognizing the leadership potential of each! They surely haven’t disappointed. They have accepted the challenges involved in assuring our residents the good life they deserve despite the many most difficult challenges.
Thank you, dear Families – for being there for ALL OF US in such generous ways. Your loving friendship and support are received with loving gratitude. Please know how grateful we are and that all here at Misericordia continue to be sustained by your generous involvement – especially during this difficult time. Our prayers are with you and yours. We count on your prayers and your continuous loving support for all here at Misericordia. You know your residents are not only safe, but are happy and blessed people who share their love so generously!
May this New Year of 2022 bring a close to this frightening time for all of us. Stay safe, and if you’re not vaccinated, please do so. This could help greatly. Although I have a major role in the newly formed Misericordia Foundation, my concern for our children and adults will always be my first priority. I’m blessed to be able to share in the lives of our Misericordia Family, which includes you, our great families!
Thank you and God’s blessings on you and yours.
Sister Rosemary Connelly, RSM
Executive Director