New this year for the MFA 62nd Annual Benefit!
New this year, we did not mail out the MFA Benefit printed materials “Packets” to the MFA membership with the anticipation that that everyone will go to the Benefit website to read the “Packet” documents and print them as needed. They can be found under the Documents item on the Benefit website’s menu bar. The Benefit Guide and the other 9 documents provide great information about the Benefit.
There are extra paper copies of the Raffles Flyer and Ad Book order forms available in a file box in the vestibule at Thome reception if you are unable to print these at home. If you do need a printed “Packet”, please contact Beth Donovan at 630-890-2655 and she will make sure there is one available for you to pick up at Thome.
Soon we will begin emailing out information about the Benefit to the list of people on our existing Benefit emailing list of 3,000 plus. This list contains anyone (members and guests) who were registered for the Benefit during any of the past 4 years or were included on an RSVP form the past 2 years. If you would like to have someone NEW (or anyone with a new email address) receive an “invite” (meaning being added to our existing Benefit email list), send their name and email address to Reservations at
And last and most important, go to to check it out, and click on Reservations and get yourself registered for the MFA 2022 Benefit!
Sue Ziesemer and Deb Brashears
MFA Benefit Chairs