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We Love Our StaffStaff Appreciation Flyer

March 6, 2022

Every month this year, Misericordia will be recognizing different departments with Appreciation Events. The February event honored staff from five departments with a catered lunch, Misericordia gift, raffle drawings and posters with notes of thanks from families.

We need your help this month as we recognize the following departments:

  • Maintenance/Building Operationswho work tirelessly in every season to keep the campus safe and beautiful for everyone.
  • Human Resources/Staff Developmentwho recruit, train and work so hard to retain the Misericordia staff. They hold specialized trainings and provide resources for the staff.
  • Receptioncovers the all-important Thome and McAuley reception areas.
  • Behavior Servicessupport the mental and behavioral well-being of the residents. Services include individual and group work to enhance the social, communication and interpersonal skill development of the residents.
  • Social Servicesmaintains funding and compliance for all Misericordia residents. This includes working with families, scheduling staffings/meetings, working with state agencies and maintaining records. 

Once again, we are asking that families send a note of thanks and/or appreciation to the dedicated staff in these departments. (We would rather not have notes to individual staff as not all staff would receive one.) Please email your notes to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also mail your notes to 118 Wesley Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302 but email is preferred. The deadline is 3/21/22. We will display the notes on posters at the events.

Thank you,

Lisa Masucci & John Butler

MFA’s Staff Appreciation Coordinators