The Misericordia Art Walk 
by Barb Quaintance
If you’ve been in one of our art studios or classrooms, or if you’ve attended The Artist in All, you know that some of the greatest artists in Chicago are Misericordia residents. During August, the campus showcased twenty-six remarkable art installations, all created by residents and their staff partners.
The Art Walk was a campus-wide effort. Twenty-three different groups of residents created these outdoor masterpieces, which were placed throughout campus. The groups were led by DT instructors, CDS instructors, art therapists, recreation/fitness staff, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, McAuley staff and several DSPs. They included mosaics, windchimes, ceramics, sculptures, and other creative, beautiful pieces of art.
While not every resident created the art, everyone could participate in this inclusive event by following the Art Walk map and spotting art pieces from one end of campus to the other.
When the Art Walk concludes, the artists and their staff partners will decide what to do with the art pieces. Some will be exhibited on campus, others will be placed in various homes and still others will be sold at Family Fest.
The Art Walk is yet another example of the wonderfully creative staff finding ways to find the artist in all of our residents. Congratulations to all!
Click here to view a slide show of the Art Walk.
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