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Dear Misericordia Friends: Together for Choice

I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. We at TFC have continued to push forward our mission to ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families have the widest array of quality residential and vocational services to choose from.

We also know that the upcoming election will result in a change in administration, regardless of which party prevails. There will be a number of new members of Congress. This means that we will have to expend considerable resources to make sure that our voice is heard by the new administration.  We will also need to educate the new members of Congress on the issues of greatest concern to you. We will need to make sure that the new administration and the new members of Congress (along with returning members) understand that one-size-fits-all solutions do not work for a disabilities community that has a wide range of needs and preferences. This is particularly true for those with the most significant intellectual disabilities.

Together for Choice is committed to providing our members with resources to help them navigate the disabilities services environment. We created and continue to improve a nationwide, state-by-state database of residential service providers. We offer frequent webinars and online content on issues of importance, including employment, the workforce crisis, and housing. We advocate at the state and local levels for the proper implementation of the Settings Rule.

We need your help to continue with this important work. Individual membership in Together for Choice is free, there are no dues.  However, we ask members who are able to please make a tax-deductible donation. We operate very efficiently on a small budget. We have one part-time paid employee. We have an all-volunteer board.

Please help by clicking here. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. Visit the Together for Choice website here.

Scott Mendel
Chair, Together for Choice