A Message from Lois Gates 
To My Dear Friends and Family,
Since I voiced my decision to retire from our beloved Misericordia Home last month, sitting down and putting pen to paper (does anyone still do that) has been most difficult for me.
Shortly after my 50th anniversary of service, I was asked to be the first Executive Director of the Misericordia Foundation. I was to serve alongside my lifetime mentor and friend, Sister Rosemary, who would become Chairman of the Board.
Seriously contemplating retirement at the time, it was a difficult decision to make. I spoke with my husband, Dennis, my soulmate and friend of nearly four decades. With his blessing, encouragement, and a great deal of his unfiltered humor, I agreed to serve a two-year term. Equally supportive was my amazing son David Londen, who was always present with his endless positivity and wisdom beyond his years. I knew it was an important time in Misericordia’s history, and who could say “no” to working with Sister Rosemary in such an honorable role. We are now approaching three years, and after transitioning our development efforts from the home to the Foundation, I am now ready to work with the Board to bring in its next Executive Director in early 2025. I have also held the title of Co-Director of Development for many, many years, along with my colleague and dear friend Kevin Connelly.
I arrived as a very young volunteer with plans to become a stewardess (circa 1960-1970s). My ambition quickly changed after meeting Sister Rosemary, falling in love with this pretty young nun, “She had me at hello,” and all her beautiful special children. I was proud to begin at our Misericordia South Home, and still hold all those wonderful women and “a few good men” close to my heart.
My lifetime at Misericordia has always been about people and relationships, never about the office nor the computer….we didn’t even have computers when I started. For a good while, we lived in the Jurassic era. So my role continued as God intended, “Ask and you shall receive, Lo” was the voice I heard. To be a successful administrator and fundraiser, you must ask from the heart, and so I did. Sacrifices were made and an incredible investment of time and trust brought forth new donors, overwhelming generosity, and lasting friends who continue today to embrace the miracle of Misericordia. Mis life always entwined with home life! As my colleague often quips, I do some of my best work at home, on the phone, in my jammies. I am so grateful to all of my family, friends, and colleagues for understanding and appreciating my lifetime commitment to Sister Rosemary and our precious residents.
In a special way, I remember my older brother Fred, born with MR/MI and epilepsy……. My twin brother Dominick and I were so fortunate and continue to be most grateful that Fred was accepted for the best and last 16 years of his life, to a community of compassionate care, providing him with dignity and quality of life. Fred thought Misericordia was heaven on earth. He was called home to God in 2000.
I want to extend special gratitude to our original Executive Administration team, Mary Pat O’Brien, Kevin Connelly, Father Jack, and of course Sister Rosemary, and all the amazing members of the Senior Team who are still with us and those who are no longer here. No words are adequate to sincerely thank our entire creative Development Team, who have become the wind beneath my wings. I am deeply indebted to them and all those young, smart, and energetic women and men who were at my side throughout my career. Direct care, nursing, public relations, special events, the Greenhouse Inn, and shops shaped me into who I am today.
Our amazing residents, their loving families, the dedicated staff, both past and present, selfless Board members, special groups, and volunteers have enriched my life day after day, year after year. I am both grateful and proud of all we have accomplished together. I acknowledge sincere gratitude to the members of our Foundation Board. We are on solid ground. Thank you to Dan Walsh and Kevin Connelly for the opportunity to serve. Our groups have never been more successful, our families and benefactors continue to embrace our mission. Thank you for your trust in me. Together we have made history.
I leave after 54 years of dedicated service, ever passionate of this magical and sacred place. It has been my honor and privilege to work alongside Sister Rosemary, our visionary matriarch and the champion of those “most vulnerable.” She continues to be an inspiration to us all. She has brought great joy to my life as my mentor and dearest friend. I will always remain devoted to her.
I am confident that the legions of vice presidents and new staff Fr. Jack has gathered will lead us into a promising future filled with fortitude and faith, keeping #MisericordiaStrong for decades to follow.
I truly believe in the words of a wise and faith-filled woman who said…”The right people, in the right place, at the right time.” May her words echo into eternity. I leave you with a heavy heart, a joyful heart, and, most sincerely, a grateful heart.
Lois Catinella Gates