Staff Appreciation Event 
During 2025, Misericordia will continue to recognize the hard work and dedication of the Staff with appreciation events. The following departments will be recognized with an appreciation luncheon (meals, staff gifts, and raffle) on Thursday, February 6th.
The Therapist group consists of physical therapists (PTs), occupational therapists (OTs), speech-language pathologists (SLPs), a certified occupational therapist assistant (COTA), and a physical therapy assistant (PTA).
Nurse Practitioners are licensed providers who manage the acute medical needs of the residents and ensure annual health exams and screenings are performed for optimal quality care and clinical safety.
The Physicians who guide care and support the medical and psychological needs of the residents. Thank you to Dr. Brenda Sikorski, Dr. Max Pitlosh, and our many independent specialty physicians.
The Dental Clinic provides dental services to residents on campus. Thank you to Dr. Ashley Kauffman and Dr. Daniel Bicknell.
Dietitians are licensed professionals who are trained in the use of food and nutrition to promote health and manage disease. They plan and conduct food service or nutritional programs to help people lead healthy lives.
Respiratory Aide maintains the medical equipment of the McAuley residents.
The Medical Clinic Clerk is an integral member of the Infection Prevention team. She helps plan and facilitate staff and resident vaccination clinics, creates educational content to keep our staff informed about illnesses and organizes important medical data.
We are not asking families to send us notes of thanks and appreciation for the staff this month, but please extend your appreciation directly to the staff either in writing or in person.
In addition, we need three volunteers to help set up, greet the staff, and clean up at the February 6th luncheon. For more details and to sign up, please go to this link:
Thank you,
Lisa Masucci & John Butler
MFA’s Staff Appreciation Coordinators