Misericordia's own Julie O'Sullivan was interviewed for "Closer Look with Chicago" on KLOVE 97.9 FM.
Dear Families,
Thank you for joining us at our January MFA General Meeting. We had 485 families log in to the meeting via computer or tablet, and 38 who joined by phone. We’re glad so many were able to successfully connect and hear the important updates and reports from Misericordia admin as well as our plans for the upcoming MFA Benefit. Also, thank you for taking the time to register. That was very helpful for us to help identify everyone.
If you were unable to make the meeting, the recording is now available for your viewing. It can be viewed on YouTube by going here:
Misericordia is working on answering the questions that you submitted, and we will let you know when those answers are available. We expect it will be within the next week. A reminder that if you are looking for an interesting volunteer opportunity, we are looking for help on the MFA Board. Let us know at
Thank you for your support, and stay safe!
Bill & Laurie
Date: January 17, 2021
Time: 11:00am
To register: https://supportmisericordia.org/mfameeting
January’s General Meeting will once again be held in a virtual Zoom webinar format—the same as October’s meeting. This time we are asking you to register ahead of time. When you click on the link above you will be asked three questions: 1. Name 2. Email 3. Residence where your loved one lives.
by Judy Wall
In January 2021, it will be a full year since we first heard of a new virus posing a threat of contagion across the planet. We now each have a story of how this past year has impacted us physically, emotionally, and financially. But as Misericordia families, part of all our stories is the shared experience of a sudden and massive shift in our continuing journey with Misericordia.
Dear Staff:
Each of you is in my thoughts and prayers today as we draw to a close a most momentous week. It is not often that we live through a day that we will always remember, and this past week brought us two days that we will never forget.
First, on behalf of all of us at Misericordia, thank you for the extraordinary success of yesterday, a day like no other as we accomplished something never before attempted in Misericordia’s history. What a day to remember as hundreds of our residents and staff members received the first dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. I am personally grateful for the vital role you played, stepping up to the challenge to make the day run efficiently and safely. Most of all, your kindness and comforting care put each resident at ease. You were there in place of their family member or guardian, accompanying them through receiving their vaccine – and witnessing the beginning of the end of this very difficult time as we worked tirelessly to keep everyone at Misericordia safe and healthy.
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